Work remotely

  1. Offline Data Access-

    For your sales team to continue contacting leads, seeing future follow-ups, and more without interfering with their schedule, offline access to data keeps the work flowing

  1. Access to the same multichannel channels through mobile-

    The VVELOCITY mobile app includes all of the same omni channel communication capabilities, allowing your sales team's prospecting, providing care, and cooperation to continue uninterrupted.

  1. Monitor Offline Calls-

    VVELOCITY allows you to track offline calls made straight to and from the salesperson's mobile number, so the data continues to contribute to call reports, lead reporting, call tracking, and other features. Only available on Android.

  1. Keep in Touch with Push Notifications-

    Even when your sales staff is on the go, VVELOCITY mobile push alerts keep them up to current on their schedule, follow-ups, and updates.
